Academic Affiliation

RISE - Real World Internship for Skill Enhancement

This internship program aims to give the last year/sem students of management/IT colleges an opportunity to work with our team on live projects with the defined KRA – just like an employee does. RISE is beyond the academic internship. This will help the students to a great extent. If found suitable, we may hire the student after completing the college.

RISE - Digital Marketing Internship for Students
Benefits for the Colleges & Universities

Internship on the Live Project is the Practical Exposure for the Students that Academic Institutes should think of

Approach us to give your students RISE exposure. We'll conduct thorough interview and validate their eligibility

As per their eligibility, we've the defined field of projects and real time practical to be performed as per the business's & clients' requirements.

We'll provide the report card of their internship tenure certificate and stipend if the student matches and exceeds the defined KRA.

Academic Affiliation

Digital Empowerment for the Young Minds from Early Age

Affiliations with Colleges provide students with practical experience and offer a strong educational foundation. With the aim to empower the students from the early age of their career digitally, we’ve associated with many colleges and universities of South Gujarat.

Academic Associates


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