Shruti Sheth Awarded “Leader in Marketing” at IWLF Mumbai

Shruti Sheth is Awarded the “Leader in Marketing” at IWLF, Mumbai

Shruti Sheth, the co-founder of Surat-based iVIPANAN Digital Marketing Services, community leader of ‘She The Power’, and founder of Karizmatic Academy, was honored at the 7th Flagship Business Conclave Leadership and Innovation award, 2021 organized by International Women Leadership Forum (IWLF) held on 28th October in Mumbai.

Shruti was awarded the “Leader in Marketing” for her untiring efforts and remarkable services rendered in the marketing field. The flagship event is held yearly by the International Women Leaders Forum (IWLF), wherein leading women of vast industries are awarded appreciation.

The exclusive conference and awards function recognizes and honors the best of leaders and innovators in Indian Business, Government, Politics, Education, and Society. IWLF celebrates Individuals who have been remarkably considered role models, leaders, innovators, motivators, guides, philosophers, and change-makers.

Since 2014, Shruti has managed to become a thought-provoking individual with her marketing dreams realized at iVIPANAN. She co-efficiently manages the digital marketing agency with certain marketing protocols under her. She has also created a benchmark in empowering the women of the society by launching ‘She the Power’ community in 2017.

She has nurtured thousands of females with the “Digital Girl” campaign especially conducted for underprivileged females.

Shruti Sheth said, “Marketing has changed as we see it today. New horizons have been opened as traditional marketing tactics have turned into digital. Businesses are evolving towards a digital mean and if anything digital marketing is going to soar very high. It is for sure that if your business does not opt for a digital medium, it is going to sink into the competitive hole. I wish and hope that traditional businesses will now realize the importance of digital marketing and go for better marketing channels.”

Shruti Sheth has continuously strived towards creating a marketing forefront for aspiring marketing students with iVIPANAN Digital Marketing Training Institute and paved the way for their success. Under her leadership, iVIPANAN has thrived with great heights in recognizing the best in the digital marketing industry in Gujarat.
